CBD Dosage
Posted by : TRU Infusion | On : September 15, 2018
*Hemp products are not approved by the FDA for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.
CBD is easy to take and can be taken at any time of day with or without food…In addition there are no known side-effects or drug interactions.
What you will find on this page is simply meant to be a guideline, or a starting point of reference. The fact remains that everyone is in a different place and will react differently to their CBD dosage. As serving size or dosage of CBD differs for each person,
It is best to start small and gradually increase until you experience the desired result.
CBD-rich hemp oil comes in various concentrations and forms, including liquid hemp oil, hemp oil as a thick paste, oil in capsules, sublingual tincture drops or sprays, salves for topical use, edibles as in candy or gum and CBD vapor from vaporizers similar to e-cigarettes.
CBD is most commonly taken orally in a concentrated paste or drops/ tincture format. To take CBD oil first hold it under the tongue to be absorbed in the mouth prior to swallowing. This step is important because some of the CBD taken will be broken down by the digestive system. Other oral methods include capsules, mouth strips, and edibles such as candy or chocolate bars. Many people also enjoy using CBD oil via vaporizers or inhalers as this is a near instant delivery method that can be quite effective. Others use CBD oil by taking it through the skin via lotions, balms, creams or patches. There are many ways to take CBD oil, what matters most is trying a few different approaches and seeing what works for you.
The outline below are guidelines only and not to be taken as a recommendation. Each person must find their own best dosing method and dosing amount. The best way to find out what quantity is best for you is to let your body tell you (and your physicians)!
Tincture: Two droppers full per day taken on or under the tongue is approximately one dose…25mg of CBD
Domestic Pure oil: 4-5 drops per day taken on or under the tongue is approximately one dose…25mg of CBD
Capsules: 1-2 capsules is a typical daily dose…25mg of CBD
e-Liquids: 15 – 20 “puffs” daily equals about 25mg of CBD
The amount of CBD you choose also depends on what you are using CBD for…for example, if you are using CBD to help with very mild ailments like stress or just a basic CBD regimen, then most people have reported great success with 25mg or less per day.
If you are seeking a more aggressive CBD therapy for relief from moderate to serious ailments, then 50mg – 100mg per day, or more, may produce best results.
Cannabinoid dosages and duration of treatment depend largely on the person, age, as well as the type and advancement of the disease. Mayo Clinic suggests CBD dosages on scientific research, publications, traditional use, or expert opinion.
To help control cancer in patients: 10-300mg of CBD for six weeks to six months
To treat chronic pain: 2.5-20 mg CBD by mouth, 1 or more times daily, for up to 25 days
To treat epilepsy: 100-300 mg of CBD by mouth daily for up to 4-5 months
To treat sleep disorders: 40-160 mg CBD by mouth.
To treat multiple sclerosis symptoms: Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120 milligrams of a THC-CBD combination by mouth daily for 2-15 weeks. A mouth spray might contain 2.7 milligrams of THC and 2.5 milligrams of CBD at doses of 2.5-120 milligram for up to eight weeks. Patients typically use eight sprays within any three hours, with a maximum of 48 sprays in any 24-hour period.
To treat schizophrenia: 40-1,280 mg CBD by mouth daily for up to four weeks
To treat glaucoma: a single CBD dose of 20-40 mg under the tongue. Doses greater than 40 mg may actually increase eye pressure.
It is also recommended that you try increasing dosage every 3-4 weeks by 25mg until symptom relief. Similarly, decrease the amount of CBD with any worsening of symptoms.
According to one of the nation’s top full-service testing lab for cannabis products, there is no established lethal CBD dose. Consumers should read product inserts carefully to ensure they are taking the right amount of CBD, and talk to the prescribing physician about any questions or concerns you may have.