Our products contain 0% THC and are free from any psychoactive ingredients

All raw materials and finished products are 3rd party tested to ensure there is 0% THC and are free from heavy metal and pesticides

All products are made from legal hemp grown in the U.S. and all ingredients are sourced from U.S. suppliers only

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What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, “CBD”, is one of approximately 116 cannabinoids naturally occurring in hemp (cannabis) plants. CBD typically represents up to 40% of the chemical cannabinoid compounds found in hemp.
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in both in humans (endo-cannabinoids) and in plants (phyto-cannabinoids). Cannabinoids interact with the body’s Endocannabinoid system (ECS) through receptors and work to restore and maintain a healthy balance.
Whether for general wellness or for a specific ailment, CBD is becoming a very popular natural supplement. According to data from *The Harris Poll the top reasons consumers are using CBD is for Relaxation (55%), Stress/Anxiety relief (50%), to Improve sleep (45%), Relieve muscle pain (44%), Relieve chronic pain (39%), and to Relieve joint pain (38%). These self-reported polls shed light on what CBD may help with for those seeking natural alternatives.