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What is CBD?
Over the course of the past few years, cannabidiol, or CBD oil, has quickly become the rock star of the medical marijuana industry because of its ability to treat a variety of conditions — including epilepsy — without exposing patients to intoxicating effects. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a natural substance that has recently come into the spotlight for a number of reasons. Recently, CBD oil has become an accepted means of relaxation, and the substance’s popularity is rising fairly rapidly.
CBD is the second most abundant compound in hemp, typically representing up to 40% of its extracts However, here is where the confusion starts. Unfortunately, the most commonly referred to component of the cannabis species is the cannabinoid known as THC, an intoxicating and in many places, illegal substance that is responsible for causing marijuana users to get “high.”
While CBD is completely separated and isolated from THC and CBD cannot get you “high,” there is still a lot of stigma as many people tend to mistake CBD for THC. These fears, though unfounded, are understandable to an extent, especially since the terminology surrounding CBD can be very confusing. Read more…
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