CBD Oil for Sleep: Sleeping Like a Baby
Posted by : TRU Infusion | On : November 22, 2019
Sleep Issues
Cleveland Clinic estimates that over 70 million Americans suffer from some type of diagnosed sleep disorder and the number rises when considering that 50% of US adults experience short term insomnia and that 100 million US adults are not getting adequate sleep.
Why is this a problem?
“Sleepiness interferes with cognitive function, which can lead to learning disabilities in children, memory impairment in people of all ages, personality changes, and depression.
People who are deprived of sleep experience, difficulty making decisions, irritability, have problems with performance, and slower reaction times, placing them at risk for automobile and work-related accidents. Sleep loss can also adversely affect life by contributing to the development of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease” (Cleveland Clinic)
The importance of sleep cannot be understated, it is at the epicenter of many other health conditions that affect Americans today.
Some statistics on Sleep:
- Adults who sleep less than 7 hours were more likely to report 10 chronic health conditions (including, Heart attack, Depression, Arthritis)
- 67% percent of those with less than good sleep quality report “poor” or “only fair” health
- 51% of people who reported they were unable to work had lower healthy sleep duration
*Source: CDC.gov, National Sleep foundation
Can CBD help?
CBD has shown promise for the ability to relax the muscles in the body and work to control other contributing factors of bad sleep. Factors such as Pain and Anxiety which can contribute to less than healthy amounts of sleep. Researchers today are studying both the link between CBD and sleep directly and how CBD may help these leading contributors of unhealthy sleep.
Instead of relying strictly on the promise of CBD as a sleep aide, TRU Infusion CBD harnesses the relaxing properties of CBD and combines it with the renowned powers of melatonin to offer a true sleep supplement. Melatonin can help you sleep and feel better as told by healthine. Adding the CBD may allow you to reduce the amount of supplemented melatonin you need to get healthy sleep. The combination has the potential to increase health benefits from sound sleep but reduce effects such as drowsiness.
Common Misconceptions:
- CBD alleviates symptoms immediately
- The same dosage is appropriate for everyone
As with most supplement regiments, it takes time and consistency to obtain desired results. Taking CBD products regularly will shorten the time frame for each serving to get into your system and begin working.
For dosage, much like health and performance supplements, you must listen to your body and find what is right for you. Every person has a different body, metabolism, and tolerances, therefore what you need will be much different than your neighbor. This leaves us with the frustrating question of, what product is right for me and what dosage?
In general, getting CBD into the system is what matters. Whether that be from a CBD Capsule or from CBD Oil, the body takes the cannabinoids given and puts them to work. For sleep, a product that utilizes other natural ingredients effective for sleep will increase the chances of a successful regiment. The most important part is dosage and consistency. For Dosage, start small and build up frequency and/or dosage. For the sleep shot we recommend ¼ – ½ of the bottle and see how that feels after a nights sleep. Increase your intake by a ¼ bottle as needed for a stronger dose.
**We are always willing to help so call 1-844-932-7658 to speak to a wellness associate