CBD Oil for Anxiety: How It May Help
Posted by : TRU Infusion | On : November 25, 2019
Anxiety is a stress response that in ancient times was used as a trigger for danger approaching. This rush of worry and panic was natural and necessary but now that Tigers and other predators don’t roam the streets this “fight or flight” response can lead to unhealthy symptoms. Anxieties now revolve around work, money, family life, health, and other crucial issues that certainly demand a person’s attention but do not require the “fight or flight” reaction.
These unnecessary and unnatural levels of anxiety are leading to mental and physical symptoms that can range from uncontrollable feeling of panic to sleep issues. Researchers are starting to tie other conditions and symptoms to stress and unnatural anxiety responses, making the problem even more severe.
Some statistics on Anxiety:
- Around 40 million adults suffer from an anxiety disorder (1 in 5)
- Less than 50% of all diagnosed adults receive treatment
- Stress costs Americans more than $300 Billion annually
*Source: MedicalNewsToday & Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)
How can CBD help? Through the Endocannabinoid System
Anxiety is response to stress, the body recognizes the stress and releases the “fight or flight” hormones. The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) in your body has receptors all over that acts as an air traffic controller, the ultimate regulator of responses. The ECS regulates a multitude of responses including, managing appetite, pain sensation responses, mood, memory and much more.
Enter CBD. The body already creates and utilizes its own cannabinoids that work within the ECS to support the system and regulate responses of “fight or Flight” or hunger. These responses are necessary to a degree but if the ECS is not properly regulating them than the responses can overwhelm the body and create unhealthy symptoms. CBD supplements are plant-based cannabinoids themselves, so adding CBD to the system may kick start the ECS to allow for proper regulation. Now the ECS may have all the support it needs and may bring the body back to equilibrium and allow for healthy amounts of “fight or flight” and other responses.
Common Misconceptions:
- CBD alleviates symptoms immediately
- The same dosage is appropriate for everyone
As with most supplement regiments, it takes time and consistency to obtain desired results. Taking CBD products regularly will shorten the time frame for each serving to get into the ECS and begin working.
For dosage, much like health and performance supplements, you must listen to your body and find what is right for you. Every person has a different ECS and each body produces different amounts of cannabinoids, therefore what your need will be much different than your neighbor. This leaves us with the frustrating question of, what product is right for me and what dosage?
In general, getting CBD into the system is what matters. Whether that be from a CBD Capsule or from CBD Oil, the body takes the cannabinoids given and puts them to work. The most important part is dosage and consistency. So, first and foremost choose the product that will be easiest for you to take consistently, for some that is a CBD capsule for others it is through a tasty treat like CBD Caramels. For Dosage, start small and build up frequency and/or dosage. We recommend for an average person to start with 10mg per serving and take 1-2 times a day. Dose up from there increasing the amount per serving if nothing is ever felt and/or increasing the frequency if the effects wear off too quickly.